Cyprus Youth Council call for Officer
Call for an officer on an eight month employment contract, which might be renewed on the discretion of CYC.
Required conditions for participation in the selection process
The position will utilize the Human Resource Development Authority program “PROJECT STAFFING BUSINESS GRADUATES WITH HIGHER EDUCATION” the main conditions for participation in the selection process are as follows: (www.hrdauth.org.cy/easyconsole.cfm/page/project/p_id/180)
(A) Company/organization covers itsneeds through the recruitment and training of graduates who have successfully completed higher education program of at least three (3) years and are holders’of a higher education diploma.
Through the Project implemented training programs for six months.
An application is submitted for obtaining approval prior to the start up of the graduate training program.
The age of the graduate who intends to join the Project, at the date of the recruitment must be under 30 years old.
Duties – responsibilities:
1) Provides administrative support.
2) Contributes to the efficient organisation of administrative support and management of the programs that the CYC undertakes.
3) Monitoring and supporting the execution of events and activities that the CYC undertakes.
4) To promote the objectives and the CYC’s vision.
5) Columnist on issues relating to youth.
6) Monitoring and reporting to all stakeholders regarding the policy trends concerning youth in European Union (Young people, youth organisations, European Youth Forum)
7) Monitoring and reporting to all stakeholders with respect to the developments of the E.U. policy having a direct and indirect impact on young people on national and international level.
8) Conducting surveys and reports that would be assigned to the officer.
9) Represent CYC abroad to various events.
10) Perform translations on various documentsfor the organisation (English to Greek and / or Turkish)
11) Monitoring and performing web analytics as well as promoting and updating social media of the organisation
12) Ability to work flexible hours. Determined that the working hours in total would not exceed the upper limit as provided by the Laws of the Republic of Cyprus and EU regulations
13) Performs any other related tasks / assigned.
Qualifications required
1) University degree or equivalent degree in the field of Communication and Internet Studies or Political Science.
2) Master degree or title relating to the above matters, gained after studies lasting at least one academic year, will be an advantage.
3) Knowledge in organization and office management.
4) Very good knowledge of Greek and English language. Other languages (for example French or Turkish) will be considered as an advantage.
5) Relevant experience in youth organisations would be an advantage.
6) Excellent computer knowledge (MS office, Photoshop or other relevant program)
7) Integrity, confidentiality, initiative, responsibility, capacity for cooperation and communication, sensitivity to youth affairs, public relations and international cooperation.
Salary placement: € 12.350 gross per year
Application Submission
Those interested should send:
1) Curiculum Vitae (CV)
2) Cover letter
Applications should be submitted via email to: [email protected] no later than May 8, 2016.
Applications that will be taken out of time will not be considered.
Selected candidates will be called to answer an online questionnaire and after that will be contacted for a personal interview.
Cyprus Youth Council Board shall ensure that candidates will not receive any favorable treatment based on race color, ethnicity, religion, submissive or national origin sex, marital status, sexual orientation, disability or chronic illness.