The 3rd Youth Summit of EYP Cyprus will take place on 29-31 of July 2016 in Nicosia, Cyprus. The Youth Summit will host 90 participants between the ages of 18-23 from across Europe, and this year we have introduced a new element, international delegates!
Want to have a better idea of what the Youth Summit is going to look like?
DAY 1:
TEAM BUILDING. EYP is about so much more than just debating. We want people to have fun and make memories that will last and make you smile. So, a whole day is dedicated to building connections, communication and bonding with the committees you’re divided into in the hopes of building connections and providing more than simply a debating experience!
DAY 2:
COMMITTEE WORK. After all we are all here to engage in debates about issues that mean something to us as young citizens of Europe. During committee work delegates and the chairs team work on resolution crafting and try to prepare the most successful and powerful resolution possible, with the ultimate hope of the resolution being successful in the General Assembly!
DAY 3:
GENERAL ASSEMBLY. After a day of team building and a day of committee work, everything you have achieved over the past 2 days comes down to this. Each committees work is presented to the rest of the participants, giving them the opportunity to question and examine each resolution and finally vote for it to be either successful or not.