Structured Dialogue** started their summer tour!
The moment we all have been expecting is here! Now you can participate in the process of Structured Dialogue actively! Get informed about when and where our consultations will take place and join us!
However, if it’s already to summerish at the moment, then do not worry! You can still participate in our process just by answering the online questionnaire HERE!
The thematic priority of the 5th cycle of SD is the following; “Enabling all young people to engage in a diverse, connected and inclusive Europe. Ready for life, ready for society”.

** Structured Dialogue is a process, or a tool if you like, that empowers youth voice. Τhis process is organized in 18-month long work cycles corresponding to a TRIO team Presidency of the Council of the EU. This TRIO Presidency focuses on one general topic for 18 months. Based on this thematic-priority the EU Youth Conference, which is organized by every country hosting the EU Presidency, brings together more than 200 young people and policy makers to discuss, exchange views and ideas on the thematic priority in order to reach a series of joint recommendations which are then incorporated into the political decisions of the EU Council. In other words, Structured Dialogue turns your voice into to political action and tangible results.