The Cyprus Youth Council (CYC) has successfully completed a 3-day conference titled «Youth Up». The conference aimed for the participants to meet, discuss and share knowledge and experiences about alternative tools of engagement in the political processes at both national and European level. Through non-formal learning and with the method of Structured Dialogue participants discussed alternative forms of political participation, exchanged views and reached their final recommendations. The conference, which took place 24-26 of June at TASIANA Hotel, attended by 70 young people.
The conference brought together members of the Executive Secretariat of CYC, trainers from the pool of trainers of CYC and people coming from CYC’s member organizations. The participants had the opportunity to discuss with Mr. Yiannis Laouris from the Future Worlds Center, about democracy and political abstention. Also, during the second day the 70 youngsters participate in a workshop with Regis Pradal and Sofian Meguellati, trainers from the European Youth Forum. Through dialogue, methods and tools of non-formal education, the participants had the opportunity to share knowledge and experiences and learn useful tools to develop their knowledge and skills. Young people exchanged ideas in-between them which will increase youth participation in the political process.
The Cyprus Youth Council will process the useful results that have been reached during the conference and will forward them to various institutions of the government but also at European level in order to contribute to policymaking and strategy-making for youth.
This project was funded by the Program Erasmus + under Key Action 3* – Support for policy reforms. This sub-Action supports initiatives to strengthen innovation and progressive reforms, European recognition tools and dialogue on policy issues with stakeholders, with partner countries and international organizations. It also supports the promotion of European political strategy (support of “OMC”) and dissemination – use the results subsidized activities.