Dear Member Organisations,
The Executive Secretariat of Cyprus Youth Council under the article 15, paragraph A’ of CYC statute, announces its annual General Assembly. The General Assembly, which will be constitutive, will be held on Saturday 22, October 2016 at 09:30am – 16:00pm, at Semeli hotel in Nicosia (map and address HERE).
According to the preliminary schedule, the General Assembly will:
- Discuss and approval Annual Activity Report of the Secretariat
- Presentation of CYC’s international activity
- Discussion and approval of financial report (financial year 2013)
- Evaluation and approval of applications for membership-organizations (a)
- Discussion and adoption of policy papers (b)
- Discussion and adoption statutes changes (c)
- Elections for Financial Control Committee (FCC) (d)
- Elections for Advisory Board for CYC Membership Applications (e)
Therefore, attached the following information and support documents:
(a) Applications and criteria for Full and Connected Member Organisations
The General Assembly will offer the opportunity to youth NGOs to apply to become Connected Member Organisations of the CYC. Also, youth NGOs that are already Connected Member Organisations can apply to become Full Member Organisations. Applications and criteria can be found HERE.
The deadline for applications is 22 September 2016.
(b) Information on submitting Policy Papers
The CYC Member Organisations can submit policy papers to be considered for approval by the General Assembly. Organisations that wish to submit documents, must submit them both in Greek and in English. After the timely submission, the documents will be sent to all Member Organisations for any potential changes to be discussed at the General Assembly. Please find the relevant Regulations HERE.
The deadline for receipt of policy documents is August 27, 2014.
(c) Statutory changes
We call all our member organizations to submit their suggestions or proposals for statutory changes. The proposals should be submitted to the Executive Secretariat of CYC (via current Statute of CYC (2014) is attached HERE. All the suggestions for changes that will be submitted email at [email protected]) the later until Thursday, 22 September 2016.
The proposals, will be sent to all the member organizations until October 8th, 2016 and will be submitted to the General Assembly for voting. Should be noticed that the final say for approval or rejection belongs to the member organizations of CYC.
(d) Elections for the Financial Control Committee (FCC)
Elections for the Financial Control Committee (FCC) will be held at the General Assembly. Nominations may be submitted by Full Member Organisations only. All nominations submitted by organisations must complete an application form together with a short biography of the candidate and a letter of motivation * at least 30 days (22 September 2016) before the General Assembly. In any case, candidates must not have not reached the 34th year of age.
*Note: The Motivation Letter should address the questions “What skills and qualifications do you have?”, “Why should you get elected ?”, “Why do you think that member organisations should choose you?”
(e) Elections for Advisory Board for Membership Applications
Elections for the Advisory Board for Membership Applications will be held at the General Assembly. Nominations may be submitted by Full Member Organisations only. All nominations submitted by organisations must complete an application form together with a short biography of the candidate and a letter of motivation * at least 30 days (22 September 2016) before the General Assembly. In any case, candidates must not have not reached the 34th year of age.
*Note: The Motivation Letter should address the questions “What skills and qualifications do you have?”, “Why should you get elected ?”, “Why do you think that member organisations should choose you?”
Finally, it is noted that in order to promote cooperation between member organisations, a specialised area will be provided in the hall of the General Assembly for members to promote their activities. Any promotional / educational material should be placed in the hall at 9:30 to 10:00.
For further information please contact the Secretariat at [email protected] or 22878316.
Warm greetings,