The Cyprus Youth Council (CYC) is pleased to announce the organization of the three day conference “Recognition of YOUTH WORKer”. The Conference will be held on 9 – 11 December 2016 at E-Hotel Spa & Resort, Larnaca
General Information:
The purpose of the Conference:
Cyprus Youth Council in the framework of the actions for the recognition of Youth Worker (people dealing with young people and working with them through Non-Formal Education) carrying out the program “Recognition of YOUTH WORKer”.
The program aims to empower young people by bringing them together with the policy makers to discuss together, for the recognition of Youth Worker. They will also analyze the best practices implemented in other European countries making the institution of Youth Worker recognizable while understanding the significance of its role in the development of Non-Formal Education skills.
Profile of Participants:
- Be aged 16 – 30 years old
- Be actively involved in Youth NGOs – members of CYC
- Have a growing interest in youth and politics
- Be informed about the purposes and activities of the organization
- Be able to explain to other participants of the activities involving the organization
- Take part in all the workshops
Specific Information Accommodation and food:
Participants will incur a participation fee of 15€ which will cover full boarding(rooms of three)and lodging during the seminar.
Working language:
The working language of the seminar will be Greek. However, if there are sufficient English-speaking participantsthere will be a workshop in English.
Submission of applications:
All applicants should complete the application form which you will find HERE
Application deadline: Thursday 21st November 2016.
Participants that will take part in all activities of the conference will receive a certificate of attendance.
There is a limited number of participants.
Information on the selection of participants will take place on 29th November 2016.
Priority will be given to applicants from member organizations of the Cyprus Youth Council.
For more info call 22878316