The School of Economics and Management of the University of Cyprus has the pleasure of inviting us, to the lecture/discussion with:

  • John Patrick Hourican, CEO, Bank of Cyprus
  • Ioannis Matsis, CEO, Hellenic Bank
  • Kirill Zimarin, CEO, RCB Bank

on “Assessing the potential of the Cyprus banking system: Risks, challenges and opportunities”

Thursday, April 18th, at 18:30,
Amphitheatre Β108, University House “Anastasios G. Leventis”, University Campus

This event is free and open to all. Kindly confirm your attendance via Eventbrite: (please copy/paste the URL into your web browser)

Seats will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Arrival time: 18:15

Cocktail reception to follow.

Language: English

Sponsor: KPMG

Communication Sponsor: POLITIS

Further information: [email protected] & 22893722