📣 This in an invitation for people who love drama. But the healthy one!

Learning how to have the right kind of drama we need in our lives.

👩‍🔧Come and join our trainer Marilena Kyriacou in this two hour workshop on Tuesday 25th of June, between 18:30-20:30 at the Home of Cooperation in Nicosia and explore together yourselves, gain some theatre skills through improvisation and of course have fun!

👉During the workshop drama tools will be used and games for self-expression, such as getting to know each other and team-building.

📝 Registrations until Monday 24th of June: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdfKQhPV5QFuPQd-ICXqMd3PND0KONOwMdCa5eQ9z4GUFvbAA/viewform

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/461283844430672/

The workshop is open to everyone (professionals or not) and free of charge.
The language we will be using is Greek and/or English (depending on the demand).
For more info please contact Nikolas Athinis at: +357 99755288.