Cyprus Youth Council has participated in the World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth 2019 and Youth Forum – Lisboa+21, organized by the Portuguese Government and the Portuguese National Youth Council, in cooperation with United Nations, which was held in Lisbon on the 22nd and the 23rd of June 2019.

During the conference Ministers and Youth Representatives had the chance to discuss Youth Policies and Initiatives in the framework of the 2030 Agenda. This historically important summit came 21 years after the adoption of the Lisbon Declaration on Youth Policies and Programmes and provided a place for national governments to talk about progress have been done with young people directly, as well as introducing new approaches to empower youth in politics and in decision-making. The outcome of this 2-day conference was the Lisboa+21 Declaration on Youth Policies and Programmes 2019, which lays the way for youth worldwide.

Cyprus Youth Council was represented by the their President, Marios Philippou, who along with the President and Executive Director of the Youth Board Cyprus and the Cypriot elected representative in the Advisory Council of Youth in the Council of Europe managed to addressed all the accomplishments of the youth through the years but also to highlight the need for their participation in decision making on International, European and National level.

You can download the full declaration: lisboa-21-declaration-23-june-2019