Currently there is an upward trend of the nationalistic and xenophobic atmosphere within the EU societies, which is undoubtedly being reinforced in the recent years, due to both the large refugee flows and the terrorist acts occurring across Europe. Accordingly, the Gallup study of attitudes toward immigration found people in Europe the most negative in the world towards immigration. The majority of residents (52%) said immigration levels in their countries should be decreased.

Drawing on these trends, the European project KA2 From Alienation to Inclusion aims towards the social integration of migrants and refugees into EU societies, while seeking to eliminate all those social, linguistic and psychological barriers which prevent migrants and refugees from being integrated in the new environment. Also, the notion of global citizenship and developing a mutual European policy in order to defend human rights and to fight against racism is promoted. To achieve the above and raise awareness on the topic, the consortium members are organizing the following Youth Filmmaking Contest.

Subject of the contest: The person beyond the label

Message of the film: The social inclusion of migrants and refugees is of benefit to the local society, as they can help it advance and flourish.

Duration: 2-4 minutes

Submission method: upload the film on YouTube as unlisted with the hashtags #FilmContestFATI, #FromAlienationToInclusion and a short description of your idea. Then, copy the URL address of the film and send it to us at [email protected]

Submission deadline: 30/09/2019

Registration deadline: 20/09/2019

Participants: 18-35 years old

Prizes: 1st winner: €300

2nd winner: €150

3rd winner: €100

The winners will be announced on the social media platforms of the organisation C.I.P. Citizens in Power and their films will be presented at the Final Conference of the project in Nicosia on December 10, 2019.

For more information regarding the creation of film-making materials, please refer to the relevant online courses created by the project consortium:

For more information regarding the project:

The FATI project (Erasmus+ KA2) is co-funded by the European Commission. The contents of this material represent the exclusive responsibility of its authors and the European Commission is not responsible for the way that the contents of this information will be used. Project number: 2017-3-CY02-KA205-001111.