🤔Do you know your EU rights? Are you aware of the youth opportunities you have as an EU citizen? If the answer is no, then this is for you!

📣 On Saturday, 18th of June, the ERYICA YinfoPeers Ambassadors (Christothea, Ioanna, Antonios, Hüseyin and Konstantinos) with the support of the Cyprus Youth Council, are organising an info session on youth opportunities for young people from all the communities of Cyprus!

📅 Saturday, 18th of June
📍Home for Cooperation
✏️ Language of the event: English

📌 Registrations for the event: https://forms.gle/DTC5hr6jwvf1NPUx6

👉The info session is organised within the framework of the project “YInfoPEERS – Youth Ambassadors and YInfoPEERS”

❓The overall objective of the project is to train young people across Europe to become ambassadors for young people’s right to information, to be able to carry out local-level training with their peers, and to gain skills and competences in different areas that will help them to influence decision-making processes.

‼️The project recognises the potential of young people as key multipliers and stakeholders in the design, provision and dissemination of youth information services. The method of peer training is based upon the belief that young people deliver a message to their peers that is often more credible and efficient than when it is delivered by authority figures. This is why peer-to-peer youth information is a very valuable method to increase the outreach, relevance and quality of youth information services.

The main project activities and intellectual outputs consist of:

  • Co-creating and piloting the Youth InfoPEERs training manual, where young people will become peer educators in youth information and learn about the importance of grassroots level peer-to-peer activities to ensure that more young people know about and make use of youth information and counselling services;
  • Co-creating and piloting the INFObassadors training manual, where participants will learn about advocacy and decision-making processes at European level;
  • Creating and producing the iAdvocate Online MOOC on carrying out a successful online advocacy campaign designed by young people targeted at young people;
  • Creating and implementing an online campaign together, the theme of which will be decided on during the trainings, but will be closely related to Youth Goal 4 and the SDGs;
  • Organising a European level seminar for decision-makers to raise awareness about the importance of accessing reliable and full information and to have the opportunity to discuss directly with them involving other young multipliers; and
  • Carrying out national/local-level training multiplier events as part of their training programme. Young people will learn by doing; they will be assigned a task during their training and will carry it out themselves after the training is over.

The main expected result is to enhance youth participation and to raise awareness about the importance of young people’s right to information by creating resources that are made for and with young people. It aims to ‘upskill’ young people, giving them experience in the governance of organisations and the opportunity to have a real impact on decision-making processes.It also aims to think of ways to involve young people in a more sustainable way, by giving them ownership of projects and campaigns, and valuable experiences for life.