The Cyprus Youth Council (CYC) announces a new call for membership in its Non-Formal Education/Learning (NFE/NFL) Pool of Trainers (PoT). Interested applicants are invited to fill in the electronic form here. Deadline for submissions is Friday, 5 August 2022. Following the review of the applications, candidates may be invited for a personal interview.

The CYC NFL PoT is mainly composed by youth trainers/youth work trainers from the CYC member-organizations, without a priori excluding applications from other experienced trainers.

The members of the CYC NFL PoT are qualified in the application of Non-Formal Education/ Learning (NFE/NFL), utilized by Youth Non-Governmental Organizations (YNGOs). The trainers work with topics such as: social inclusion, active citizenship, diversity, sports, entrepreneurship, volunteering, global education, sexual orientation, leadership, human rights, peace, environment, sustainable development, interculturality, youth capacity building, youth empowerment, youth participation, youth rights, unemployment, youth policy and any other topic concerning youth.

  1. What the Pool of Trainers does:
  • Organizes trainings on several topics related with youth.
  • Facilitates youth events, seminars and conferences.
  • Offers guidance and consultancy on youth topics, based on its members’ expertise.
  • Supports and contributes to the development of programs and policies regarding youth training in Cyprus.
  • Contributes to the promotion and recognition of Non-Formal Education/ Learning in Cyprus.
  1. The ideal trainer has the following qualifications:
  • Has demonstrated activity in youth work for at least two (2) years.
  • Has organized as a trainer and/or as an active member of the trainers’ team in any given NFE/NFL youth training at least one (1) activity/ event for young
  • Experience in Non-Formal Education/ Learning methods.
  • Knowledge of the key youth policies on national, European and international levels.
  • Willingness to support the CYC and its member-organizations in their educational activities.
  • A “spirit of volunteerism’, thereby willingness to offer actual support, even when resources are very limited or non-existent.
  • Previous participation in a training of/for youth trainers, organized by recognized institutions (e.g., SALTO-YOUTH Training & Co-operation Resource Centre, Council of Europe Youth Department, European Youth Forum, International Youth NGOs), will be considered an asset.
  1. When submitting the online application, the following must be attached:
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Anything else relevant to the position (e.g., degree, certificate of attendance, actions portfolio)
  • If available, a letter of recommendation from a youth organization where you are a member. The recommendation should bear the seal of the organization.

For queries and/or clarifications, please contact:

Christina Yiannapi,

CYC Secretary General,

Tel.: 22878316/99081053,

e-mail: [email protected]