STImulate DEmocracy: Using Technology to Enhance Democracy in Cyprus
Dates: 08-10/09/2017
Venue: Classic Hotel & Cyprus Community Media Center (CCMC)
Registration HERE
The idea for the conference “STImulate DEmocracy: Using Technology to Enhance Democracy in Cyprus’ (STIDE) originated in Cyprus after observing that advances in Information Technology (IT) offer potentially beneficial effects on governance.; and at the same time, by witnessing first, the dissatisfaction of young people regarding the governance in Cyprus; and second, the general need to use technology in the advance of democratic processes.
Having this in mind, with this conference, we aim to:
1. Address the issue of reshaping Cyprus governance in modern forms of technology in the benefit of Cypriot citizens and especially young Cypriot citizens.
2. Promote the use of ICT tools in the public sector to enhance good governance.
3. Improve information and service delivery by the public sector, by improving the means used by it.
4. Encourage citizen participation in the decision-making process and make the government more accountable, transparent and effective.
5. Give the opportunity to young people from Cyprus to discuss about how democratic participation can be boosted by using information technology.
6. Encourage young people to actively participate in democratic life and to interact with decision-makers; but also to discuss among themselves, youth experts and representatives of public authorities about the issue of participation and how we can use technology in our benefit.
7. Reach a number of outcomes and recommendations (policy paper) which are going to be useful for policy-making.
As there are limited places for the conference, please register as soon as possible following this link!
By registering, you reserve a place in the conference! Only registered people can participate in the conference!
You can also join the facebook group of the project!
Friday, 8 September 2017, Classic Hotel
Arrival of Participants and registration
16:00 Introduction to the program/team and presentation of the project.
16:30 Presentation of the methodologies of structured dialogue.
17:00 Meeting the other participants.
Saturday, 9 September 2017, Classic Hotel
10:00-10:15 Presentation of the results of the questionnaire.
10:15-11:30 Workshop: Democratic governance: Conditions that ensure the proper functioning of democracy.
11:30-12:00 Coffee Break
12:00-13:00 Workshop: The Cypriot reality: How actively involved are citizens in the decision making?
13:00-15:00 Lunch Break
15:00-16:30 Methods of supporting democratic governance through technology
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
17:00-19:00 Workshop: Which ICT and digital tools can be used in the benefit of good governance and democracy?
Sunday, 10 September, Cyprus Community Media Centre (CCMC)
10:00-11:45 Workshop: How ICT and digital tools can be used in the benefit of good governance and democracy?
11:45-12:00 Coffee Break
12:00-13:00 Speech, Christiana Xenofontos, Cyprus Youth Board.
13:00-13:30 Discussion
13:30-15:00 Lunch Break
15:00-16:00 Speech, Orestis Tringides, CCMC.
16:00-16:30 Discussion
16:00-16:45 Coffee break
16:45-18:00 Shaping concrete recommendations on better governance using ICT and digital tools.
18:00-19:00 Presentations and voting on main points.