Our physical participation at the European Youth Event (EYE2020) has been cancelled, however the Cyprus Youth Council will still be at this year’s EYE!

Join us this Monday, May 18 at 14:00 (Cyprus time) for a digital discussion, under EYE Online.

The theme of the discussion will be EU, Youth & Crises,” inspired by this year’s Europe day and the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.

In the panel, we will have the honour to welcome Ms. Susanne Conze, Spokesperson for the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), Mr. Benjamin Günther, Board Member of the European Youth Forum (YFJ) and Ms. Yasmine OuirhraneYoung European of the Year 2019 and founder and podcast host at We Belong.

We will discuss how the EU has handled similar crises in the past, with a focus on youth, and how the European identity is affected during such periods. With this event we aim to inform young people about how youth policy was formed during periods of crises (e.g. Youth Guarantee) and about opportunities that may arise in the future.

The online discussion will be in English and will be livestreamed via Facebook on the European Youth Event page. Young people from all over the EU will have the chance to ask questions and interact with the speakers.

The discussion will be facilitated by our Vice-President A’, Ms. Christiana Xenofontos.