December 2, 2022
The Representation of the European Commission in Cyprus in collaboration with the Europe Direct Limassol – Cyprus University of Technology / Τεχνολογικό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρου organized a conference in #limassol for the #EuropeanYearofYouth2022 !
The Cyprus Youth Council team with members of its Pool of Trainers, on 23d of November 2022, joined a special all-day European Year of Youth event, full of discussions, #interactiveworkshops, access to European #networks and programme, #career, job and skill-building opportunities.
Our Pool of Trainers have made their interactive workshops and managed to inform and to identified the needs of young people in the fields of ‘mental health – wellbeing’, ‘equality of all gender’, and ‘quality learning’!