Petros Koukos

Second Vice President
Petros comes from Dikomo, an occupied village in the province of Kyrenia. He is a graduate of the Department of Political Sciences and History of Athens Panteion University. He completed postgraduate studies in Business Administration (MBA) at the Mediterranean Institute of Management (MIM). In the Youth Council he represents EDON in which he is a member of its Central Council. During his high school years he was the President of the Pancyprian Student Coordinating Committee (P.S.E.M.). During his graduate years he was member of the Central Council of Athens Primary Student Body (EFEK Athens). He was also Secretary of the Youth Council of Strovolos Municipality. In the previous term of the Cyprus Youth Council, he replaced Despina Panagiotou in the position of Secretary of the Council until the General Assembly in which he was elected to the position of Vice-President ΄B.